Strengthening OT Security: Investment Priorities to Close the Gap


Understanding the Cybersecurity Landscape for Operational Technology

As industries increasingly integrate Operational Technology (OT) with Information Technology (IT) systems, the cybersecurity landscape grows more complex. OT, which encompasses hardware and software that monitors and controls industrial operations, is often vulnerable due to legacy systems and a historical focus on reliability over security. Despite the recognized need to invest in cybersecurity investments, many organizations struggle to implement effective protections.

Legacy Systems: A Persistent Challenge

Many OT systems were designed when cybersecurity was less of a concern, with protocols that lack current encryption standards. This discrepancy between IT and OT systems’ security creates significant challenges in updating and securing OT infrastructure, particularly where production uptime is non-negotiable.

Strategies for Enhancing OT Security

To address these vulnerabilities, it is essential to prioritize investments in technology solutions that not only bolster cybersecurity but also align with the operational requirements of OT environments. A risk-based operational approach can help OT leaders identify critical assets, assess vulnerabilities, and design robust mitigation strategies.

Practical Steps to Reduce Cyber Risk

  • Asset Identification: Recognize the essential, often capital-intensive, equipment that is at risk.
  • Weakness Assessment: Develop a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity gaps.
  • Risk Quantification: Evaluate the potential impact of identified risks to prioritize investment.
  • Mitigation Strategy Design: Attach strategies to specific risks with the aim of multi-layered defense.
  • ROI Quantification: Assess the financial benefits of mitigation strategies using tools like the Loss Exceedance Curve (LEC).


Enhancing OT cybersecurity is an ongoing process that requires a full-stack approach. It relies on strong cross-organizational partnerships and a clear communication of findings to executive leadership for informed decision-making.

For further reading on cybersecurity trends and protective strategies, visit Security InfoWatch.